10 Tomato Health Benefits

1-  Helps to reduce blood sugar levels

It is a source of the mineral chromium, which can help diabetics to regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, as a low-calorie food, it becomes an ally for people who are trying to lose weight.

2-  Prevents cancer

A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggests that eating more tomatoes reduces the risk of the disease in organs such as the prostate, lung and stomach, among others.

3-  Improves sleep nights

According to a University of Pennsylvania study, those who consume more lycopene sleep better compared to people who do not.

4-  Reduces blood pressure

Lycopene, Vitamin C and other antioxidants present in the fruit are known to improve cardiovascular health. Another important factor is that tomatoes are rich in potassium, helping to lower blood pressure.

5-  Reduces chronic pain

Due to the presence of anti-inflammatory agents such as bioflavonoids and carotenoids, tomatoes can reduce chronic pain. The consumption of the fruit helps to reduce inflammation and also brings relief from pain.

6- Sun protection

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect your skin from damage caused by sunlight. Once in the body, lycopene makes the skin less sensitive to damage from ultraviolet rays, a major cause of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

7-  Always healthy skin

Frequent consumption of the food helps in the texture and health of your skin, as it helps to minimize enlarged pores, cure acne and rashes or treat minor burns.

8-  Improves vision

With a high amount of vitamins A and C, the fruit greatly improves vision and can also reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

9- Bone health

Due to the presence of vitamin K and calcium, tomatoes help to strengthen and repair bones. Lycopene present in the composition of food helps to improve bone mass, a great way to fight osteoporosis.

10- Reduces hair problems

The acidity and vitamins of tomatoes help to balance the pH levels in your hair, in addition to strengthening, it provides shine to opaque, damaged and lifeless hair.

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