9 Benefits of Sardines !

1- High content of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids

This fish is considered one of the best natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids in the world.

About 106 grams of sardines provide more than 1,300 milligrams of these essential fatty acids, in addition to providing EPA and DHA, two types of essential fatty acids that the body uses to reduce inflammation.

Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3 fatty acids can be effective in preventing and treating hundreds of medical conditions.

Studies show that consuming foods rich in omega-3s can help protect the body against mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, help prevent ADHD, various types of cancer, infertility, arthritis and especially heart disease.

It has also been scientifically demonstrated that these fatty acids lower the levels of harmful cholesterol and triglycerides, making them even more important for heart health.

2- Rich in minerals and vitamins

Sardines have several vitamins that are important for health.

They are rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium and selenium. Vitamin B12 is very important for the nervous system and for red blood cells to remain healthy.

A slight deficiency of this vitamin can cause symptoms including nerve damage, impaired mental function, difficulty in providing oxygen to cells and chronic fatigue.

Fortunately, only one can of sardines contains more than the daily requirement of vitamin B12, providing 137% of the RDI - recommended daily intake.

In addition, they are also an excellent source of phosphatidylserine and numerous other B vitamins, in addition to iron, phosphorus, potassium and many others.

3- Help in controlling blood sugar levels

Among the benefits of sardines is the control of blood sugar levels. This is because the high protein content and the healthy fat content, work as a team to decrease the absorption of sugar in the blood.

The combination of high-fat foods with proteins, such as sardines and carbohydrates, can delay the release of sugar (glucose) in the blood, which prevents both spikes and falls in these levels.

Consuming foods with essential fats and proteins is also especially important for people with diabetes, metabolic syndrome and other health conditions that are related to insulin resistance.

In a study by universities in Belgium and Algeria, mice were fed a high fructose content.

The researchers fed the animals for 2 months with casein or sardine protein with or without a high fructose content.

As a result, they found that the sardine protein diet prevented and reversed insulin resistance and oxidative stress, and therefore can offer benefits to patients suffering from the metabolic syndrome.

4- Important source of selenium

These fish also provide high levels of selenium, containing almost 70% of their IDR in just one can.

Selenium is an essential mineral that also acts as an important antioxidant and is necessary for your body to create and convert glutathione, a compound dubbed by researchers as the "main antioxidant".

This mineral prevents oxidative damage in the body, helps regulate metabolism, fights disease-causing free radicals and improves cell function.

It is also important for detoxification, as it has the ability to relieve stress from digestive and endocrine organs, such as the thyroid and the liver.

Selenium deficiency has been associated with thyroid impairment, hormonal imbalances, decreased immune function, mood disorders, reproductive problems and heart disease.

5- Protects bones

As you can see, one of the properties of sardines is that this food is a great source of many vitamins and minerals, among them are some that are essential for maintaining a healthy skeletal structure.

They are: phosphorus, vitamin D and calcium.

Consuming calcium-rich foods can prevent the loss of bone minerals and help heal bones that have been broken after injuries.

These three essential minerals help to regulate bone metabolism, a process in which mature bone tissue is removed to allow the formation of new bone tissue.

Sardines are also one of the few dietary sources of vitamin D and one of the rare ingredients that provides a healthy dose of all the other three nutrients essential for good bone health.

This all makes it an excellent addition to a healthy diet, especially bone-building.

6. Promotes weight loss

This is a food rich in proteins and healthy fats, which makes it one of the healthiest fish and also makes you feel more satisfied and helps control cravings and hunger.

Considering all its health benefits, it also has few calories, but it is rich in essential nutrients that many people do not have, such as vitamin D and omega-3, making it ideal for those who want to lose weight.

Several studies have also shown that adding fish like this to your diet can help you lose weight quickly.

For example, a study conducted at the University of Iceland that was published in the International Journal of Obesity found that adding seafood to a weight loss diet for 4 weeks helped people lose more pounds than a control group.

7- Helps in defense against mood disorders

Thanks to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, some research suggests that foods like this can be beneficial in preventing mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression.

They found that these essential fats can play a vital role in boosting mood and maintaining healthy brain function to help fight depression.

The brain itself is made up of approximately 60% fat, so getting the right proportion of fatty acids is crucial for central nervous system function and your overall mood.

8-  Sardines are rich in protein

Another property of sardines is that it is rich in proteins. The consumption of small amounts of this fish is enough for you to absorb large amounts of protein.

Proteins help in the production of hormones, enzymes, antibodies, neurotransmitters, cell metabolism and muscle contraction.

These are just a few of the benefits of proteins, and sardines can also help you maintain good shape through proteins.

9- Poor in mercury and pollutants

One of the best reasons to substitute other fish for sardines is sustainability and their low levels of contamination.

Sardines are fish that eat plankton, which means they do not carry the same toxins and heavy metals that many other fish do.

Avoiding pollutants, including heavy metals like mercury is one of the biggest concerns for many people.

Therefore, it is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, omega 3 fatty acid, proteins, etc., and makes sure you don't consume these toxins like mercury and other pollutants.

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